Umbono we-FS4Africa

I-FS4Africa isebenzisa izindlela ezintsha ezisanda kuthuthukiswa, amasu okuhlangana kanye nobudlelwano obuzinzile ukuze kuthuthukiswe ukuphepha kokudla. Ngenxa yalesi sizinda inhloso iyonke ye-FS4Africa ukuthuthukisa izinhlelo zokuvikela ukudla zase-Afrika - ikakhulukazi umkhakha ongekho emthethweni - ngokuguqulwa kwezimakethe zasekhaya ezithuthukisa ukutholakala kokudla kanye nohwebo lwesifunda ngenkathi kunciphisa umthelela ongemuhle kwezemvelo, ukuhlukahluka kwemvelo, ezempilo kanye nomphakathi.

Gain a better understanding of the role of food safety by analyzing the enabling environment, local value chains and use cases generating data and evidence on trade actors in the informal sector

Stakeholders engaged
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Food producers and handlers reached
to assess data related to food safety hazard
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Develop governmental policies, business concepts and tools that transform local markets to improve food safety in the informal sector and possible integration into the formal food system

Trainees reached
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National pilot systems to evaluate
the effectiveness of the mezzanine approach
Application users
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Co-develop and co-create solutions and business cases in multi-actor-based approaches for food safety

Citations of project guidelines & platforms
0 +
Different areas represented by stakeholders
participating in the use cases
Innovative solutions scaled up
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Incubate, accelerate and upscale solutions through a network of Innovation Hubs involving and training local SMEs, start-ups and entrepreneurs in view of lower cost for certification and conformity assessment

Training sessions for participants
in the use cases and open call projects
0 +
Food system participants engaged
in the incubation and acceleration activities
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Assess the impact of food safety solutions, reducing their risks, on food security, circularity, sustainability and biodiversity

Use Cases tested and validated
Increase in awareness of the facts on food safety issues
and the recommended mitigation measures
0 %+

Embed the food safety solutions in strategic agendas for policy making and research by engagement with stakeholder and society

White papers with recommendations and guidelines
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Policy groups involved in food safety meetings and discussions
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